2023 September Sermon Notes


The obsession for the Rescuer

Psalm 63: 1-11

We want the rescue, but we don’t want to know the rescuer.

  1. Knowing the rescuer requires a personal relationship -  David has a personal relationship with God

  2. Knowing the rescuer requires a progressive relationship- David wanted more

  3. Knowing the rescuer requires a persistent relationship V4- daily communication and commitment


Testing the Spirits

I John 4: 1-

Talking to Christians

  1. We must investigate V 1 (We should be specialist in the Word of God)

  2. We must believe V 2-3 (Incarnation)

  3. We must recognize V 4 (False prophets and God’s source and strength)

  4. We must listen V 6


Hagai 1:1-15

Israelites have returned from Babylonian captivity to Jersusalem

Get Back to Work (Rebuild the temple)

  1. Indictment - accusation of a serious crime V 1 They forget God

Hagai 1: 1-15

Get Back to Work (Con't) {People are standing on the sidelines and not participating}

      1-A. They lost their urgency (have churches lost their urgency?) We embrace Him on Sunday, but we need to embrace the love of God every day, every moment, so He is tangible to us!

2023 August Sermon Notes


Genesis 41: 46-52

Blessed in the Land of Affliction

Principles of Joseph - You won’t have an Ephraim moment until you have a Manasseh moment

  1. Forgiveness

  2. Forgetting

  3. Forbearance- patience/self-control

  4. Faithfulness


On a Mission Together - Keep the Vision

Phillipians 1: 1-6

  1. Believers have a common identity as members of Christ’s body.  V 5

  2. Believers have a common task as members of Christ’s body- what is my task V 4

  3. Believers have a common purpose in great commission

  4. Believers have a common hope in our past, present and future  V 6

        A. It is a work of God

        B. It is a lifetime process

        C. It is never completed in this life



The Greatest Need in the Church Today

Acts 2

  1. Expectancy  V 1

  2. Excitement  V 2

  3. Enablement V 4 (by surrender)

  4. Evidence V 40



Luke 14:25-35

  1. The cost of following Jesus V 27

  2. Consider what’s at hand - the cost V 28

  3. Willing V 34

2023 July Sermon Notes



I Cor 6:2 ;  2 Samuel

Romans 2:1-4

  1. Unrighteous judgment is accusing others and excusing  yourself . V 1

  2. Unrighteous judgement is judging by the wrong standard. V 2

  3. Unrighteous judgment is elevating oneself over others. V 3

  4. Unrighteous judgment is a false assumption you will escape. V 3

  5. Unrighteous judgment is forgetting God’s blessings on your life. V 4



Are we any Different? Why do we fail as Israel did?

She is interested in any God who will furnish for her the material things she craves. Being ignorant of the true giver she will grope in indecision in search of the best substitutes.

Even on the this delirious dance of death the people are brazen in their ungodly self conceit. 

  1. Lack of knowledge  4:6-11 they were told - they refused it

  2. Pride 5:5

  3. Instability 6:4 all the promises, But no productivity

  4. Worldliness 7:8  Mixes with the wrong people


Are we any different? (Con’t)

  1. Corruption 9.9 

  2. Backslide 13:2 -  sin more and more

  3. Idolatry 13:2  - made graven images


Marks of True Loyalty

2 Samuel 15: 13

  1. Is decisive - a matter of fact

  2. Is voluntary

  3. Is public

  4. Is costly


Colossians 3: 1-

  1. We must destroy what is trying to destroy us.  V 5

  2. Change your image. V1. Set your heart on things above.

  3. Stay in the Word of God. V 16

2023 June Sermon Notes


What does the Bible do for us

  1. Source of victory over the enemy

  2. Source of comfort -Roman’s 15:4

  3. Source of guidance - Psalm 119: 105 - a light to my feet and a light  my path


An Authentic Prayer Warrior

Ephesians 6:

An authentic payer warrior:

  1. Plays nonstop  - Pray about everything

  2. Pray in the spirit (to know what God wants for you)

  3. Pray all types of prayer


Ephesians 6: 18-20

An Authentic Prayer Warrior  (con’t)

  1. Pray with eyes open, alert, vigilant

  2. Pray with perseverance

  3. Pray on behalf of others

  4. Pray evangelistically


Mark 6 :12-

John the Baptist

(Even Herod believed in resurrection) and listened to John the Baptist.

The grudge of Herodious

A hard heart:

  1. Is nursed by a grudge

  2. Cannot give up a fatal attraction

  3. May confess sin, but doesn’t repent (if you don’t repent, you will perish)

  4. Blames the messenger instead of recognizing the condition of their heart - they don’t want to hear the truth

  5. Loves false justification

2023 May Sermon Notes


Hebrews 11:

Moses- A servant of God

Characteristics of a Servant

  1. Great Faith v 24

  2. Great Refusal - he put his foot down (not of the house of Pharos) does not sell out to the world.  24

  3. Great Empathy - fate of his people v 25

  4. Great Anticipation (looking ahead for his reward)


Mothers Day

2 Timothy 1: 5 -

The Mom who Got it Right

  1. There are no perfect moms- married outside of the faith, but  came back to her faith

  2. Sincere faith will put you on the right track

  3. This faith can be taught and caught

  4. Praying mom


Graduation Sunday


Matthew 16:13-18

How Far Will I Go?

  1. Defend the church

  2. Attend a church

  3. Recommend it

  4. Extend the church